About Us
The vision of Florida Poison Information Center Tampa (FPICT) is a Florida free from death and disease due to poisoning.
The purpose of FPICT is to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with poisoning in central and southwest regions of Florida.
Mission statement
The mission of FPICT is to develop a center for excellence in toxicology that provides the people of central and southwest Florida:
- High quality confidential advice on managing exposures to poisons that saves lives and reduces healthcare costs
- Public information on the burden and prevention of poisonings
- Timely surveillance
- Support for healthcare providers through education and consultations for managing poisonings
- Research about poisonings
Map of Coverage Area

What We Do
- Poison Control hotline
- Medical advice after a poisoning via free 24/7 hotline at 1-800-222-1222
- Serves a 16-county region in Florida
- Calls answered by physicians, nurses and pharmacists
- Most poisonings are treated at home with our help
- Education
- Lectures, displays and brochures
- Online Outreach
The Florida Poison Information Center – Tampa is staffed by nurses, pharmacists and physicians trained in toxicology. Based on years of toxicology experience and a computerized database describing over 500,000 substances, we provide advice within minutes for each question or emergency. We are certified as a Regional Poison Center by the American Association of Poison Control Centers. The center provides coverage for 7 million residents in central and southwest Florida. The Poison Center is located on the campus of Tampa General Hospital and is primarily funded by grants from Florida Department of Health, Children’s Medical Services and the U.S. Department of Health Resources and Services Administration.
Managing Director: Alexandra Funk, PharmD, DABAT
Medical Director: Justin K. Arnold, DO, MPH, FACEP, FACMT
Associate Medical Director: Diana Dean, MD
Healthcare Education Specialist: Jemima D. Desir Dougé, MD, MBA
(813) 844-7982
Contact person for presentations to health care professionals, senior citizens, garden clubs, industry professionals, etc.
Educator: Lisette Cullen, BS
Community Outreach Educator
(813) 844-7981
Contact person for health fairs and presentations to public audiences.
Business Operations - Manager: Juliet R. Modica-Ramos, BSM
Florida Poison Information Center - Tampa
Tampa General Hospital
Office: (813) 844-7044
If you have a poisoning emergency or question, please call 1-800-222-1222.
If you have an administrative question, please call the office number noted above.
We are part of a network of Florida Poison Information Centers that provide telephone advice and educational programs for three geographic areas:
- Florida Poison Information Center – Tampa serves the following 16 counties in central and southwest Florida: Charlotte, DeSoto, Glades, Hardee, Hendry, Highlands, Hillsborough, Manatee, Okeechobee, Orange, Osceola, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, Sarasota, and Seminole.
- Florida Poison Information Center – Jacksonville serves northeast Florida and panhandle counties.
- Florida Poison Information Center – Miami serves Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, Collier, Lee and Monroe counties.
Poison centers were established as health care providers authorized to share protected patient information with health care providers providing direct patient care in HIPAA regulations in 45CFR parts 160 and 164 as published in the Federal Register on Dec 28, 2000. In addition, the CDC has provided the American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) with a grant of authority to conduct surveillance activity and function as a public health authority to which covered entities may disclose protected health information. In addition, the Florida Poison Information Centers are a State of Florida, Department of Health program performing public health functions. As such we are exempt from HIPAA privacy regulations.
- CFR45, Federal Register, Dec 28, 2000
- Letter on CDC authority to function as public health entity, Executive Director, American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC)
- Letter from Florida Department of Health, Children’s Medical Services with Florida Statute Section 395.1027 requiring a licensed facility or health care provider to release to a regional poison control center any patient information that is relevant for evaluation, treatment and management of a patient.
- Letter from CDC granting authority to AAPCC to conduct surveillance and function as a public health entity
- HIPPAA and FL Poison Centers: Letter from the Florida Hospital Association
- Letter from State of Florida Department of Health confirming that Poison Centers in Florida are performing public health functions under state law and are exempt from HIPAA privacy regulations. Health care providers may share information with the poison centers without written consent.
Contact Us
Please do not email us with poisoning cases! If you have a poisoning emergency or question, please call
Disclaimer: This website is designed to be informational and educational. Under no circumstance is this website meant to provide medical treatment or replace the expert advice of a qualified poison information specialist or physician.